The CRTC report, released late in the day on Friday (not exactly primetime, eh?), says that while payments from the likes of Shaw and Co. (read: Videotron) should be maintained, BUT - the CTF should be concentrating its efforts on popular programming. a time of war, what does *that* mean? But, I digress...
But, Canadian television's best friend, Jim Shaw, re-instated his firing squad the day the report was released.
Happy Canada Day!!
P.S. - I was recently in touch with Antonia Zerbisias (see previous post here) - who told me that she has stopped covering media issues because (as she says): "I was tired of banging my head against the wall of my own echo chamber."
A sad day for media coverage for sure. A huge loss considering the timing of her "retirement" coincides with so many major decisions being made. You should read her prescient article, BTW.
Farewell, Antonia!