Sunday, July 1, 2007

Happy Canadian Television Fund Day!!

Yes, while you're out preparing the fireworks and polishing off that Canadian beer to celebrate your Nation - the perfectly-timed release (perfect for the CRTC et al), of the CTF Taskforce report on the Canadian Television Fund is being released in such a manner as to be surely forgotten by even the industry itself.

The CRTC report, released late in the day on Friday (not exactly primetime, eh?), says that while payments from the likes of Shaw and Co. (read: Videotron) should be maintained, BUT - the CTF should be concentrating its efforts on popular programming. a time of war, what does *that* mean? But, I digress...

But, Canadian television's best friend, Jim Shaw, re-instated his firing squad the day the report was released.

Happy Canada Day!!

P.S. - I was recently in touch with Antonia Zerbisias (see previous post here) - who told me that she has stopped covering media issues because (as she says): "I was tired of banging my head against the wall of my own echo chamber."

A sad day for media coverage for sure. A huge loss considering the timing of her "retirement" coincides with so many major decisions being made. You should read her prescient article, BTW.

Farewell, Antonia!

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